Thanksgiving in Santa Cruz

For Thanksgiving we went to Santa Cruz to see Rick's sister Betsy (Owa). It was really great for the kids to get to know her better. The girls helped make the stuffing, put on endless dance party shows in her family room, planned games for all the adults, went to the boardwalk to ride the roller coaster and smothered Cowboy (Owa's dog) with attention. Besty's children Jolie and Darrin came for dinner and it was a nice small get together. The girls really got the Santa Cruz experience with the street musicians in downtown Santa Cruz. They danced their little hearts out. When it was time to go they asked if they could stay with Owa. Then I reminded them that we had to get home to decorate our Christmas trees.
I really have been thinking about all the things that I am thankful for. Here is my 2008 thankful for list
  1. My husbands patience and kindness

  2. Luca's imagination
  3. Ryley's silly laugh

  4. Our family's health, we are blessed.

  5. My soul sista Karla who never forgets me even though she is now an Ohioian. We are still on the same wave length even though we are so far apart. I miss her everyday!

  6. My dear friend Stacy who I talk to every single day! We always know where each other is going.

  7. My sweet friend Vivian for being such an example to me of faith and strength. Her friendship is a gift from God in my life.

  8. My mom, pure and simple.
  9. My sister who is always there to lend an ear or advice. I am blessed with our relationship.

  10. My grandson (hee hee) bringing Ashley and I closer and for his saving Ashley's life.

  11. Our home, a modest tract home but the most comforting place I know (for all of us)

  12. God's grace and humor when it comes to dealing with me. (really should be #1)
  13. The kindness of others. I am touched when people do things from the goodness of their hearts. I have so many friends who are just pure generous souls. I admire them all.

  14. Velour sweats! I look forward to putting them on every day. :)

I think that there are so many things that I let go by on a daily basis and do not give thanks for. I am truly thankful for this moment and where my family is right now. We are blessed.